The purpose of the 72 windows plan
Before we talk about how the 72 windows works and the background, let us start with the purpose.
The purpose of this simple and straightforward study plan is to introduce people in every corner of the world to the Word of God as it is contained in the Bible. The book itself tells us that “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes from the words of Christ.” This relationship between personal and saving faith and the written word is the reason for giving human beings access to an understanding of the basic message contained in the 66 books of the Bible

Illiteracy is still common in the world. But literacy without anything to read is also very frequent. As three major faiths compete for our attention are all based on Book learning, books must be made available to all the people in those three religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity. No true Jew will be ignorant of the Torah. No Muslim dares to deny the Quran, even if the majority neither read it or understand it without the interpretation of the Imam, and it is less to be read than revered.
The Christian relationship to the Bible varies from denomination to denomination. Few Catholics read and understand the bible. It is not necessary for them to know or own one. Their Church guarantees that the faith is true. Should the reader find other things said in the Bible than what the Church teaches, then the teaching of the Church is above the Bible. Bible reading is not much encouraged.
Among protestant churches the Bible is often held as being inspired by God even where it is very sparingly obeyed and followed. If the majority in any given “church” do not themselves know whereof the Bible speaks one cannot expect the spiritual growth of which the Bible speaks. Growth in numbers needs matching by growth in understanding. An often repeated question in the Bible is “Don’t you know, have you not read…” And often the answer is no, how can I less I am taught.

This simple programme was the direct result of seeing how little knowledge of the wonderful truth of the whole Word of God the average Church members had in Churches I visited in Kenya and Burundi in 2019. Few Pastors have ever been to Bible School and preach what they have been told by other pastors. Or heard on Youtube or in a podcast. When the blind lead the blind light is rare.
How does it work?
Groups of people gathering together with the specific purpose of understanding the Bible gather regularly and purposely once or twice a week and spend one session on each of the 72 Windows. If they are already in the Faith they will receive the opportunity with joy. If they are curious about what the Faith is then they will be drawn to Him who is the core of the Faith and learn what it is they need to reject if they will not be persuaded to believe. It is very silly to reject what you do not understand. Truth remains truth even if no one believes it.

- The group, consisting of a maximum of 15 people meet for reading, meditating and praying for the session ahead. Determine the length of time they want to spend on each section. The Bible claims to be the work of the Holy Spirit, and only the Holy Spirit is the interpreter of his own work.
- One member takes on the responsibility to keep a notebook and summarizes at the end of every session what all agreed on seeing in the passage. Questions arising are noted and kept because they may be answered in a future passage.
- As the purpose of God’s entire plan is that men and women should know God then the attitude of each member should be to speak respectfully of God, even if they do not as yet know Him personally. The motto for the entire 72 Windows into the Redemption plan of God is “Seek me while I may be found, says the LORD”
- It is not necessary that the group is lead by a professional. (Read: Pastor, priest, elder or theologian.) Christ is our Rabbi and the Spirit in the participants is able to keep them from falling. “He will lead you into all truth.” However, it will soon be seen as self evident that the local pastor and Elders also partake in the course at some time. The members will otherwise know more than their leaders.
- It is important to remember that we all see in part, nobody sees the whole. Therefore all are important to the understanding of the whole. As Paul wrote in Romans 15:14. 2”I myself am persuaded that you are all filled with goodness and knowledge and can admonish one another.” And we are committed to a view of the group which says that we are all built up by the support that is provided by each member. Ephesians 4:11-16
The knowledge of the full content of the Word of God is no longer Everyman’s treasure. There has historically been a direct relationship between “holy living” and the “holy Scriptures”. No revival has ever happened unless a strong Faith in the Word of God was in place. In old times we were made aware that “either sin will keep you away from the Bible or the Bible will keep you away from sin.” The Word gives the Spirit the tools to bring us to repentance and salvation. But when the Bible is neither known nor taught the people become wayward and self willed and have no taste for believing, obeying and trusting God. Poor food makes emaciated people and when the hunger is too strong they will eat whatever is offered to them, which may not be wholesome food.

The 72 Windows plan is an invitation to a rich banquet. It is like walking round a house peering in through the windows to see what is in the house. If you are looking for a place to live for ever, surely that would be the House of the Lord! Eternal life is offered once you are in that house and have become part of the fellowship that lives in it. But you have to get in first! Through these 72 windows you will see what God offers. Then you must enter by faith.
This is not a course in theology, it is more of the work of a surveyor of buildings who having done his work recommends people to move into the sound house. Here in the world “we have no abiding city”, the House of God is seen through the darkened windowpanes of this world. When the 72 windows have been looked into you will come to the front door and stand on the doormat that says Welcome in. Many windows through which we may look in, but only one door by which we can enter. Christ Himself.
Let the words of Christ dwell in you richly.
I am Teddy Donobauer. Find out more about me here.
God bless!